I will be the first to admit.  When it comes to home improvements, I fall way short of the bar.  My weekend projects proved no different, but at least I'm consistent, right?

Crystal and I have been planning on selling our home for the past couple weeks.  Week-by-week we slowly work on the many projects we'd either started, planned on starting or neglected over the past five years we spent in this home.  As Sunday morning came, I fired up  the Honda Pressure Washer to wash the front porch I'd recently put new decking on.  I was very careful not to start too early and irritate the neighbors as I'm sure I do on occasion.

The pressure washer made easy work of the deck, within minutes I was done and quickly scanned around for something else to spray.  I was on a mission; find another use for this AWESOME tool.

I sprayed some wood, took the top layer of soft wood off the redwood, very nice.I sprayed my concrete apron in front of the garage, nice and clean now.Still not satisfied I glanced up at my front door.  I noted the few paint chips in it since we'd painted it last several years ago.

"I bet this thing will take the paint right off of that door...." I thought to myself.

Several test sprays later, the paint chips went flying.  Careful not to flood my house, I put the dogs in the bedroom and removed the door setting it in the lawn.

Minutes in, paint chips were FLYING my lawn was covered.  I decided it would be "easier" to clean up if I moved the door to the driveway and proceeded.  After about fifteen minutes... I looked up....

Paint. Chips. Were. Everywhere.

I mean everywhere.  Down my street, in the flower beds, across my lawn, freshly cleaned apron and washing down the sides of the street.  Several choice expletives came to mind when I noticed the mess I'd made.

I dropped what I was doing and quickly began cleaning up.  The mixture of wet paint chips and cement proved extremely difficult to sweep up.

I tried using water to corral them, but that further perpetuated the "washing down the road problem," as my water floated the paint chips further down stream and away from my house.Frustrated and getting warm, we decided to make micro-piles of paint chips scoop them up and throw them away.  It was like herding cats.  After two hours of sweeping, we'd barely made a dent in our mess.  Frustrated and tired we went inside for about an hour to cool off.

Meanwhile the wind and heat dried everything up (some did blow away), but for the most part it was much easier to sweep up dry, although it did take an additional hour.  Three to four hours after I'd begun spraying my door, we were finally clean.I think it would have been faster to sand the door.