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In Real Estate, home inspections can make or break a deal.Selecting the right inspection firm is as critical as selecting the right home. We are often asked, "Do I really need an inspection?"

The answer is a resounding "Yes!"

It is our belief that all Real Estate transactions need some form of inspection or diligence period conducted. Yes, even new construction.  While many see it as a burdensome $300-$400 cost, the optimist will see it as a cheap insurance policy insuring against catastrophic defects such as: Mold, structural integrity issues, water damage or shoddy workmanship.In most cases, sellers are unaware of the newly uncovered problem and are very willing to participate in some fashion to remedy the problem and continue with the sale.In Washington State, Home Inspectors must have a Home Inspectors License.

There is only one exception to this rule: The home buyer may inspect the property themselves.The law also allows a buyer to piecemeal the inspection with specific licensed trades, i.e. an electrician may inspect the electrical and a plumber may inspect the plumbing, but your brother Bob, who has "Owned a couple properties," cannot be given access to inspect the home.

Should the home buyer inspect the home themselves? If you feel you are qualified to find the elements that a licensed and trained home inspector will fined, by all means, inspect the home.  However, it is my opinion that you may lose credibility when presenting your findings to the seller as your report wont be delivered on the letterhead of a licensed professional.Additionally, you may not have any help when doing so, as it is unlawful for your agent to let anyone but the buyer or a licensed professional into the house for purpose of the inspection.In summary, a home inspection by a licensed professional is crucial and a cost that should be bugeted for when buying a home.  

For information on the complete costs of buying a home, please check out our post Nickels and Dimes - Adding up the costs of buying a home.